I think we all intuitively know this is true and yet I constantly see people behaving like they have no clue.
I’ve seen people shamelessly push their ideas, products, services, and “solutions” on others thinking, “If I just tell them how great it is they’ll buy my stuff.” The problem is, it just doesn’t work. Why? Because people buy for their reasons, not yours. Think about the last time you were actually excited about buying something. If you’re like most people, it’s not because you had to buy it because you were forced to but because you WANTED to buy it. And because you WANTED to buy it, you actually enjoyed the experience. So, what if we could help people realize that we can help them get what they want? And what if we also made it easy for them to buy from us and provided them with a great experience that made them feel good about it? Don’t you think we’d all get a bit further in selling things that actually matter? ~~~ If you liked this article then you'll love my weekly newsletter with practical tips to help you stand out from the crowd and thrive not just survive - sign up here. Also, you can get free access to my video lesson here: How to OWN THE ROOM with Compelling Presentations
Are you making this huge mistake of confusing outputs with outcomes?
Most people think they're the same but they're dead wrong and it's costing them time, money and opportunities. Why? Well, outputs are the tangible products or services delivered, such as a report, a software feature, or a marketing campaign. They are easy to point to and say, “I produced this great report on X topic” or, “I ran 50 training sessions last year.” The problem is, nobody really cares about that. On the other hand, outcomes are the changes or benefits that occur as a result of the outputs. They are the ultimate impacts on the customer or the business, such as increased customer satisfaction, improved product quality, higher productivity…you get the idea. And that’s what people really care about, the RESULTS of what you did. Just because you did a bunch of activity, doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t produce the types of outcomes people really care about. You’ll be far better off by first figuring out what results really matter to the people you’re talking to and how the outputs you created led to those results. So, let’s not just count what we produce (outputs), but make what we produce count (outcomes). ~~~ If you liked this article then you'll love my weekly newsletter with practical tips to help you stand out from the crowd and thrive not just survive - sign up here. Also, you can get free access to my video lesson here: How to OWN THE ROOM with Compelling Presentations
Getting other people to buy into your idea or product or service can sometimes feel like pushing a boulder uphill, only to have it roll back down over you.
But it doesn’t need to be that way. The reason most fail at this is because they are approaching it from the wrong perspective, their own perspective and not the “buyer’s” perspective. When you come from your own perspective, you can come across as a self-interested “taker” looking to help yourself to their time or money. This destroys trust and in the worst case, makes them perceive you like a used-car salesperson. A far better and more effective approach is to be buyer-centric, which means put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and imagine how they might be seeing the challenge or opportunity you’d like to help them with. And that’s a key point, your goal should be to help them make the best decision that enables them to get to where they want to go. When they feel you really do care about helping them succeed, you help them buy your idea, product or service, without feeling sold. As the great Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” I couldn’t have said it better myself! ~~~ If you liked this article then you'll love my weekly newsletter with practical tips to help you stand out from the crowd and thrive not just survive - sign up here. Also, you can get free access to my video lesson here: How to OWN THE ROOM with Compelling Presentations
Ever since ChatGPT was rolled out by Open AI in late 2023, this question has been coming up.
I’ve been studying the latest developments in AI, and I can say this: if you’re not worried, you should be. AI is having an exponentially greater impact than off-shoring and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) trends. With off-shoring, low-paying white-collar jobs were moved from North America to places like India and the Philippines where labor costs were lower. Then with BPO, business functions like accounting, legal, finance, and others were also sent to low-cost labor areas. Following that was the RPA (Robotic Process Automation) trend where manual routine tasks were automated using software. Speaking of robots, do you remember the Terminator movie? Skynet ring a bell? On a serious note, AI is dwarfing the impacts of all these trends. AI can adapt to virtually any scenario through LLMs (Large Language Models) and reinforcement learning. It can be taught to do just about anything humans can do. Also, with text-to-voice and video generation capabilities, AI bots can have actual spoken conversations with humans and people won’t know they’re speaking to a bot. So, watch for AI bots replacing contact centre agents, telemarketers and some low-level salespeople. You’ll see many white-collar jobs being given to AI with many positions eliminated. AI will also optimize functions that were subjected to BPO and RPA. So, pre-AI era companies in these fields are going to face layoffs and many will go out of business. Other companies, particularly service companies whose functions can be performed well by AI (like copywriting, digital marketing agencies) will find their services commodified and many will go out of business. As an employee, leader or business owner, you need to pay attention. This is going to be as impactful as the invention of the wheel. Ignore this and you’ll likely get run over. You’re going to have to find ways to 10X your capabilities leveraging AI – because if you don’t, your competitors will, stealing away all your customers. The winners will be the AI-enabled who can produce real and differentiated results. The AI genie is out of the bottle and there’s no stuffing it back in. Failure to adapt is not an option. Are you ready? |
November 2024
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